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Featured Staff

Thomas Weakley

Senior Designer

We could tell you how talented Thomas is, but it’s better if you take a look for yourself (oral health animation and climate change animation). If you ask Thomas what he does at Marketing for Change, he’ll say “I do communications that are made visual.” He’s a student of design — always willing, hungry, and humble enough to learn a new design discipline. If there’s a creative challenge, you can count Thomas in.

Outside of developing branding, designing creative assets for paid media campaigns, or posing for animation references, Thomas can be found de-stressing in a kayak or perfecting his signature rice-beans-and-miscellaneous-canned-vegetable office meal. Seriously, it’s all we’ve seen him eat for the last few years.

We sent Thomas an email asking for a low key interview. His reply? A cryptic text message with coordinates and instructions to bring an extra pair of clothes.

Q: So where are we and why does it involve a kayak?
A: Gwynn Falls. It used to be a very polluted stream and they pulled, like, 70 bodies from Leakin Park nearby.
Q: …
A: You gonna get in the kayak and paddle or just shout at me from the trees?
Q: Is there somewhere else we can do this interview?
A: I can’t hear you from over here! Do you wanna see my flip over and back up?
Q: No, that’s not necessary. You don’t —
A: Oh yeah! You should get on the water — there’s no one out here for miles!
Q: Yeah, I don’t think that’s a selling point for this stream…
A: Listen, the water’s calling my name, so I have to go. Catch you downstream, if you know what I mean!
Q: I don’t and I probably won’t!